The last news I had about Joselito Sabogal were that he was going to Finland to live. His drawings are really amazing and you can see his passion for painting in each line, in each curve.
Soundtrack: "Hay un universo de pequeñas cosas"
Ls útliams noticias que tuve de Joselito Sabogal fueron que se iba a vivir a Finlandia. Sus dibujos son realmente impresionantes y se puede ver su pasión por la pintura en cada línea, en cada curva.
3 comentarios:
Actually, my name is Joy. Derek is a friend of mine who keeps up with my blog.
It's okay that your updates aren't daily - it's awesome that you're in Barcelona! What are you doing there?
I'm not sure where else I'll go, I'm not really in charge of my trip. But I'll be in/around Trujillo for about 2 months - should be fun!
Fascinating piece of art work. Sometimes I wonder where artists get their inspiration.
Amazing artist!
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