viernes, octubre 20, 2006

Peruvian Tradition

Dancing Horses


These horses dance "marinera", the typical dance of Trujillo, it's such a beautiful dance that Perú chose it as the most representative dance of my country. These animals are called "Caballos de paso" and have a lot of communication with their owners and that perfect dialogue is notorious when they dance. Amazing!!

Soundtrack: "The song of The Simpson"

Estos caballos bailan marinera, la danza típica de Trujillo, es tan bello este baile que Perú lo eligió como el más representativo de mi país. Estos animales son llamados "Caballos de paso" y tienen mucha comunicación con sus dueños y ese perfecto diálogo es notorio cuando ellos bailan. Impresionante!!

11 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Horses are very smart animals.

Anónimo dijo...

la photo est magnifique, les chevaux sont tres beaux, bravo. J'aimerais bien voir danser ces chevaux. En france il y a un maitre du spectacle de chevaux : Bartabas. ces spectacles sont d'une beautee et rendent hommage aux chevaux. je suis vraiment trop bavard ;o)

the photograph is splendid, the horses are very beautiful, cheer. I would like to see dancing these horses. In France there is a Master of the spectacle of horses: Bartabas. these spectacles are of a beauty and pay homage to the horses. I am really too talkative ;o)

Anónimo dijo...

la photo est magnifique, les chevaux sont tres beaux, bravo. J'aimerais bien voir danser ces chevaux. En france il y a un maitre du spectacle de chevaux : Bartabas. ces spectacles sont d'une beautee et rendent hommage aux chevaux. je suis vraiment trop bavard ;o)

the photograph is splendid, the horses are very beautiful, cheer. I would like to see dancing these horses. In France there is a Master of the spectacle of horses: Bartabas. these spectacles are of a beauty and pay homage to the horses. I am really too talkative ;o)

Edulabbe dijo...

They actually dance mounted on their horses?! Cool (I love horses)

Meg dijo...

I don't get why you picked the Simpsons, though.... Unless I'm thinking of a different song... Are the dances comical?

Anónimo dijo...

very special photo. I dont know how to call it in English but the part the guys put there feets in is very unique to me.

Kate dijo...

Su fotografía es hermosa. Me gustan los cabellos. (I was going to drop my Spanish course because I am so frustrated, but decided to give it a bit more time, and I'll go back for a little longer.)

Anónimo dijo...

um...exotic views for me!
and i luv those guys costumes!!

Curly dijo...

Nice picture, we don't see many horses in South Shields!

Curly's Photoshop

david santos dijo...

Este é o teu verdadeiro povo(pueblo) mutio bonito.
Me perguntas se já fui ao Peru, infelizmante, não. Mas quem sabe, algum dia. Contudom a minha leitura preferida é a Latina Americana. Por exemplo, neste momento ando a ler "El Guerrillero Transparente" do Panamá de CHANGMARIN e "Las Putas" de Gabriel Garcia Marques"
Até sempre

Anónimo dijo...

Excelentes Fotografias. Te felicito.