lunes, febrero 19, 2007

She's so beautiful

A Sunny Moche Day


In those times she used to serve the food and the drinks, she was beautiful, some spanish that came to the colony loved her. Now she's in love with you... in silence...
Soundtrack: "Siempre es de noche" - Alejandro Sanz
En aquellos tiempos ella solía servir la comida y las bebidas, era bella, algunos españoles que vinieron a la colonia se enamoraron de ella. Ahora ella se enamoró de ti... en silencio...

6 comentarios:

Dsole dijo...

Olé irredento, qué post más bonito! Estás hecho todo un poeta

Olivier dijo...

l'endroit semble tres beau et tres calme, cela doit etre un plaisir de venir manger dans cet endroit. la statue represente une serveuse ?

the place seems very beautiful and very calms, that must be a pleasure of coming to eat in this place. does the statue represent a waitress?

capitan dijo...

creo ke es el chalan criollo?

photowannabe dijo...

You are such a Romantic. I love the composition of this shot with the "girls" back to us. Could we see her face sometime?

Ming the Merciless dijo...

Very beautiful cafe/restaurant. What kind of food do they serve??

Anónimo dijo...

Very nice picture. I like it a lot.