domingo, agosto 20, 2006

Lights of the city

Enjoy lights... by the moment


I took this photo from what was my classroom at the university. At the end of each day you can see the lights of some poor areas of my city which are located in the hills around Trujillo. The night helps to hide some not very beautiful areas. I like those lights, but the nearest building would block the view. The fresh men that will study in my ex classroom will lose a good view and will see monotonous cement.
Soundtrack: "Twisted Logic" - Coldplay

7 comentarios:

Richard dijo...

Nightiem / daytime transforamtions can be pretty amazing. It might be nice to be able to contrast this picture with the daytime version.

Kate dijo...

Oh! Quite lovely!

Randy dijo...

Very nice photo. It would be interesting to see the same shot during the day.

PDPB dijo...

very interesting to see a daily photo blog from peru. I shall be back!

hfkais dijo...

very fantastic night scene...

kaa dijo...

i like this night scene very much. very nicely captured.

Anónimo dijo...

Hey!, esa es mi vista favorita desde la universidad. Yo le llamo estrellas en el mar, es decir a mi me parece un mar; pero se cambiaron de lugar y se cayeron XD, algo tonto no? jeje. Te dejo mi correo: yo también soy Trujillana y estudiante de la UNT. Qué bueno que hayas creado este blog
Un gusto saludarte.
Claudia Longa